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Strolling to Okazaki Jinja Shrine, Where a Full of Rabbit Motifs

Including not beckoning cats, but “beckoning rabbits”, there are plenty of charms and votive tablets with a motif of cute rabbits in the site of “Okazaki Jinja Shrine” of Kyoto.

It is photogenic and popular energy vortex among ladies.

Let me introduce together with nearby cherry blossom spots, where you wish to go around in spring, such as “Biwako sosui canal” and “Keage Incline”.

Beckoning Rabbits and Guardian Rabbits of Okazaki Jinja Shrine

A rare “guardian rabbit” not a guardian dog

Located in Sakyo-Ward, Kyoto City, where are lined up famous temples and shrines, including “Heian Jingu Shrine” and “Nanzenji Temple” is “Higashi Tenno Okazaki Jinja Shrine”.

For the purpose of protecting Heian-kyo, it is the shrine built at due east (direction of rabbit) of Daigokuden (council hall in the Imperial palace) by Emperor Kanmu.

Established in Enryaku 13 (794) was the shrine with history.

Enshrined Gods are Susanoo-no-Mikoto, Kushinadahime-no-Mikoto, and Yahashira-no-Mikogami (three girls and five boys).

As it is said that enshrined Gods were given many Mikogami (children of Gods), the shrine is known for bringing good luck for good marriage, many children, and easy delivery.

As the area around here is a living place of hares since the past, it has become worshiped as a divine messenger without knowing when.

From the relationship, there in the site are many statues, charms, and votive tablets of hares, and many ladies visit for worship throughout Japan to “the shrine of hares”.

Beckoning hare for marriage

There is placed “the beckoning hare” at the main building.

Facing to the main building, there is “the beckoning hare for marriage” on your right and “the beckoning hare for fortune” is on your left.

After you worship to Gods, please also worship to the hare, imagining luck that you wish for.

Photogenic Hares, Lining up in a Row in Okazaki Jinja Shrine

In front of the main building, there are lined up small hares in pink and white.

At this place, where can be said as symbolizing Okazaki Jinja Shrine, many worshiper was enjoying photo shooting with cameras.

The photo in left is “Hare fortune slips” (Hatsuho-ryo or offerings: 500 Yen)

Actually, these hares are personal amulets, called “hares fortune slips”, and these can be given at the juyosho (reception), located in the site.

After you confirmed contents of the fortune slip, please take the cute hare home.

It will surely be appreciated also for souvenirs!

This also is popular “Kenko Omamori (personal amulet for health)” (offerings: 800 Yen).

There are 2 colors of red and purple, and hares jumping vividly are cute, aren’t they?

How Many Hares?  Searching for Hares in Okazaki Jinja Shrine

In the site of Okazaki Jinja Shrine, there are many other hares.

A black hare that is located in chozuya (a place for water to purify before entering shrine) of the photo is “the hare for many children”.

It is said that while pouring water onto the statue of black hare, if you rub a belly of the hare, you will be given the treasure of children.

There are many “votive tablets of hares” submitted, on which illustration of very round hares are drawn, around the hare for many children.

There are also several designs, so it is very lively, isn’t it?

Like this way, finding hares that are everywhere is also one of the fun when you visit to Okazaki Jinja Shrine.

Finding many hares, please receive good luck for your various wishes.


How to Get: Right after getting off at Okazaki Jinja stop of Kyoto City Bus

About 15 minute walk from Jingu-Marutamachi station of Keihan Railway or from Keage station of Kyoto Municipal Subway Tozai Line

Address: 51 Okazaki Higashi Tennocho, Sakyo-Ward, Kyoto-City, Kyoto Prefecture

Opening hours: 9AM to 5PM

Holiday: Open everyday

Area in 10-minute-walk from Okazaki Jinja Shrine

“Biwako Sosui Canal” of around Okazaki, known as a place for cherry blossoms

When you walk to south from Okazaki Jinja Shrine for about 10 minutes, you will reach to “Biwako Sosui Canal” of Okazaki area, a culture interactive zone, where is very famous as one of the best in Kyoto, also known as a famous place for cherry blossoms.

It is the canal with history, constructed in the Meiji Period, for the purpose of drawing in water of Lake Biwa from Kannonji, Otsu-City, Shiga Prefecture, to inside of Kyoto City.

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When in spring, beautiful cherry blossoms bloom furiously on both sides of the canal.

Moreover, there is Jikkoku-bune (a pleasure boat) departing from “Nanzenji Temple Boat Pier”, you can also enjoy cherry blossoms from the boat.

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There are also “Kyoto City Zoo” and “Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art”, and in addition, “Heianjingu Shrine” around the canal.

Collaboration of the large Torii Gate of “Heianjingu Shrine” and cherry blossoms is very luxury landscape.

The season of exhilarating fresh green after cherry blossoms is also recommended!

At night, it will be illuminated.

Fantastic that cherry blossoms are reflecting on the canal.

Also, “Keage Incline”, which is located near the boat pier, is 528m in total length, and is the world’s longest remains of incline railway.

It is the remains of incline railway, which was established for transporting a boat on the steep of “Biwako Sosui Canal” that is about 36m height.

When in spring, among the lined cherry trees with full bloom, you can appreciate cherry blossoms by walking on the railway.


How was it?

Feeling Kyoto of spring, please enjoy leisurely strolling trip with appreciating cute hares and cherry blossoms.

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